22,196 research outputs found

    Report on the release of “Camello”, drought tolerant Urochloa cultivar

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    Robust Speech Detection for Noisy Environments

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    This paper presents a robust voice activity detector (VAD) based on hidden Markov models (HMM) to improve speech recognition systems in stationary and non-stationary noise environments: inside motor vehicles (like cars or planes) or inside buildings close to high traffic places (like in a control tower for air traffic control (ATC)). In these environments, there is a high stationary noise level caused by vehicle motors and additionally, there could be people speaking at certain distance from the main speaker producing non-stationary noise. The VAD presented in this paper is characterized by a new front-end and a noise level adaptation process that increases significantly the VAD robustness for different signal to noise ratios (SNRs). The feature vector used by the VAD includes the most relevant Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC), normalized log energy and delta log energy. The proposed VAD has been evaluated and compared to other well-known VADs using three databases containing different noise conditions: speech in clean environments (SNRs mayor que 20 dB), speech recorded in stationary noise environments (inside or close to motor vehicles), and finally, speech in non stationary environments (including noise from bars, television and far-field speakers). In the three cases, the detection error obtained with the proposed VAD is the lowest for all SNRs compared to Acero¿s VAD (reference of this work) and other well-known VADs like AMR, AURORA or G729 annex b

    A dichotomy property for locally compact groups

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    We extend to metrizable locally compact groups Rosenthal's theorem describing those Banach spaces containing no copy of l1l_1. For that purpose, we transfer to general locally compact groups the notion of interpolation (I0I_0) set, which was defined by Hartman and Ryll-Nardzewsky [25] for locally compact abelian groups. Thus we prove that for every sequence {gn}n<ω\lbrace g_n \rbrace_{n<\omega} in a locally compact group GG, then either {gn}n<ω\lbrace g_n \rbrace_{n<\omega} has a weak Cauchy subsequence or contains a subsequence that is an I0I_0 set. This result is subsequently applied to obtain sufficient conditions for the existence of Sidon sets in a locally compact group GG, an old question that remains open since 1974 (see [32] and [20]). Finally, we show that every locally compact group strongly respects compactness extending thereby a result by Comfort, Trigos-Arrieta, and Wu [13], who established this property for abelian locally compact groups.Comment: To appear in J. of Functional Analysi

    Report on identifying a protocol to elicit flowering in Brachiaria humidicola with photoperiod management

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    Two Genotypes of Brachiaria humidicola (A and B) were planted on the grounds of CIAT headquarters in Palmira during 2018 – 2019, 10 lamps were placed in the lot to evaluate 6 different photoperiods (1 - 6) with Light in 2 different wavelength range (W.R.) α and β, for this, 17 samples were carried out on the variables height, vigor, chlorophyll content and number of inflorescences; a total of 93 field work were carried out to support the trial, finding that the photoperiod 5 in the W.R. β and 3 photoperiod in the W.R. α for the B genotype show significant differences (p <0.05, Tukey) with respect to the other treatments for height and number of inflorescences, performing the statistical analysis in the SAS software. As to the seed production, it was found that any light stimulus generates greater seed production, despite the conditions under which the crops were made and the method of harvest used. I order to refine the protocol and validate the results in bigger genotype sample another trial with the 2 most efficient treatments was proposed for 2020, focusing on number of inflorescences and seed production

    Interpolation sets in spaces of continuous metric-valued functions

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    Let XX and MM be a topological space and metric space, respectively. If C(X,M)C(X,M) denotes the set of all continuous functions from X to M, we say that a subset YY of XX is an \emph{MM-interpolation set} if given any function gMYg\in M^Y with relatively compact range in MM, there exists a map fC(X,M)f\in C(X,M) such that fY=gf_{|Y}=g. In this paper, motivated by a result of Bourgain in \cite{Bourgain1977}, we introduce a property, stronger than the mere \emph{non equicontinuity} of a family of continuous functions, that isolates a crucial fact for the existence of interpolation sets in fairly general settings. As a consequence, we establish the existence of I0I_0 sets in every nonprecompact subset of a abelian locally kωk_{\omega}-groups. This implies that abelian locally kωk_{\omega}-groups strongly respects compactness